I am studying the structure of atom, molecular, nuclei from view point of three- and four-body problems. At the same time, I am developing the method which has been proposed by myself. The development of the method and study of structure of nuclei would enable to predict existence of new nuclei.
When I was high school student, I leaned nuclear physics first time. I was so impressed that it was possible to understand phenomena of microscopic world by the formula. Then, I decided to go to department of physics to study nuclear physics. Afterwards, when I was third-year student of university, I listened lecture about nuclear physics. At that time, lecturer introduced the latest research on nuclear physics, which gave me strong motivation to study theory of nuclear physics. Currently, I am really enjoying research of nuclear physics.
The four years are short, but they offer many possibilities.
In fact, I made up my mind to become a researcher when I was a university student. Please study various interests during this time. Never give up and challenge yourself to achieve your dreams.