I am engaged in research to clarify how the Earth's environment (e.g., climate, oceanographic conditions) is recorded in carbonate shells/skeletons and sediments. I also research to apply the results to the past to delineate the evolution of the Earth's environment.
When I was in a kindergarten or a primary school, I wanted to become "Dr. Ochanomizu" in the comic Astro Boy in the future. I first became interested in rocks and fossils when I was in the third grade of elementary school. There was no particular trigger, but I started collecting rocks and fossils. I was a member of the earth science club in a high school and collected various rocks and fossils in the northwestern part of Kagoshima Prefecture.
I entered Tohoku University with great ambitions. I faced a big problem in my graduation thesis. Because the geological structure is highly complex in the study area, where Paleozoic rocks are distributed, and the rocks were poorly exposed there, I could not obtain the good results I had hoped. Therefore, when I entered graduate school, I switched to studying Cenozoic coral reef deposits in the Ryukyu Islands. Since then, I have studied a wide range of carbonates, from present-day coral reef deposits to those formed at the pre-Cambrian/Cambrian boundary.
I believe that the pleasure of science is to unravel what is not yet understood. It is also a painful but enjoyable act to make every possible effort to solve what we do not understand. Please feel the real pleasure of science while you are in the faculty/graduate school of science.