A wide variety of fault slip phenomena has been observed along the subduction zones. My research is to understand the current slip behavior and to predict future spatio-temporal evolution based on crustal deformation data, physics-based simulation, data assimilation and machine learning techniques.
I experienced Hyogo-ken Nambu Earthquake in 1995 when I was six years old. At that time, I could not understand what happened in my life. My research motivation is to contribute towards an ultimate goal of earthquake forecasting as much as I can.
I never thought I would become a researcher nor study seismology until I entered university. I think it is a privilege for young people to have a wide range of options. I hope that you will broaden your own world, not only in your own field of interest, but also in a wide variety of other fields of interest from a broad perspective. Although I am not a graduate of Tohoku University, I feel that Tohoku University has a well-developed learning and research environment. And if we have a chance, let's do research together someday toward earthquake prediction.