I hope that future students in Tohoku University can find a something to devote yourself (not apply only to study) in your student life.



1.What kind of the research are you doing?

I am studying “the characterization of the beautiful shape of the space”, more precisely, “What is the necessary and sufficient condition for the existence of canonical Kahler metrics on given algebraic manifolds? ”. Kahler metrics is the inner product for vectors in the space (algebraic manifolds) and determines the shape of the space (the scalar curvature), that is, in my research, the beautiful shape means the constancy of the scalar curvature. For this problem, I am trying to characterize in the viewpoint of the theory about the space consists of all spaces (moduli space theory).

2.What is the reason for starting your study?

It was lucky. When I was the third grade of undergraduate student, I asked a question for a professor, “What books should I read to study?”. The professor introduced a few mathematical books written in English. I finished reading two of them for two years (it is common for students studying math to spend one year to finish reading a mathematical book). One of these two books introduced various recent researches and the above problem. Furthermore I found that many Japanese mathematicians contributed to the problem and there was a book about the problem written in Japanese. I felt lucky because I could study about recent research by reading a book written in Japanese. Then, I found the name of current supervisor in that book.

3.Message for prospective students

I hope that future students in Tohoku University can find a something to devote yourself (not apply only to study) in your student life. In my case, it is mathematics. If you find such a thing, your student life will be a great memory in your life.