I am studying about the Martian atmosphere observed from spacecrafts orbiting Mars. I have chances to discuss with researches in foreign countries because these spacecrafts belong to NASA and/or ESA. I have learned that a lot of people in the world cooperate with space missions. And It was really fascinated me. Now, I also research about a camera which will be loaded onto a future Japanese spacecraft. I hope to analyze a data obtained by Japanese spacecraft orbiting Mars someday.
Except for my research, I and my colleagues engage in science events for children. Last year, we talked about Mars science. I like museums since childhood, and they gave me a dream for the future. I am pleased to get a chance to teach our science to children.
A return of Hayabusa was a trigger of my dream. After that, my parents took me JAXA to look at opening to the public. I remember that it was a beginning to consider a job using the spacecraft and planetary science. When I found a laboratory which studies planetary explorations with the use of satellites after I entered the university, I decided to join the group. Coming across the planetary mission leads me here. Recently, I went to JAXA for my research. It was very happy for me. I would like to say thank you to my parents.
My great teacher told me “Chance of limitation doesn’t decide by the others”. This word made me brave. Though I was a beginner of road bike, I decided to go to Nagoya from Sendai by bicycle. I moved about 100 km in a day then It took 8 days. I think I was stupid. However, I have learned that goals can be accomplished even if I never give it. I am more tough than ever.
I plan to hold outreach events in the future. I hope that everyone can understand the science and research easily through the events.