Encouragement Programs in the Graduate School of Science


The Graduate School of Science offers research encouragement programs financed by the discretionary budget of the Dean of the Graduate School.
The following projects will be offered in FY2024.

【研究奨励事業一覧(List of Encouragement Programs)】

 / Encouragement Program for the Exploratory Research
 / Encouragement Program for Research Step-up
 / Encouragement Program for Young Scientists
 / Encouragement Program for Promotion of Joint International Research

Application deadline: April 30, 2024
提出先 :理学研究科総務課研究支援係
Submit to: Research Support Section, General Affairs Division, Graduate School of Science

研究奨励事業/ Encouragement Program
申請書(上記4事業共通)/ Application form(English)

  • 萌芽研究奨励事業/ Encouragement Program for the Exploratory Research要項(Japanese)/ Implementation Guideline(English)
    応募条件/ Funding target 本事業に応募することができる者は、理学研究科に所属する研究者(教員(兼務、特任を含む)、学術研究員、特任研究員、日本学術振興会特別研究員、その他研究科長が認めた者)とし、直近の科研費(挑戦的研究(萌芽))に応募しており、かつ、次回の科研費(挑戦的研究(萌芽))に応募することを条件とする。
    Those eligible to apply for this program are researchers affiliated with the Graduate School of Science (faculty members (including adjunct faculty and specially-appointed), academic researchers, specially-appointed researchers, JSPS Postdoctoral Fellows, and other persons approved by the Dean), who have applied for the most recent Grant-in-Aid for Challenging Research (Exploratory) and who will apply for the next Grant-in-Aid for Challenging Research (Exploratory).
    奨励金額/ Amount of incentive 1件50万円程度を上限とし、使途は、物品費、旅費、人件費・謝金、その他とし、各費目の対象となる経費の例は、別紙のとおりとする。
    The maximum amount of the incentive grant is about 500,000 yen per project. The amount can be used for Cost of goods, Travel expenses, Personnel costs/honoraria, and Miscellaneous expenses, and examples of eligible expenses for each category are shown in the Appendix.

  • 研究ステップアップ奨励事業/ Encouragement Program for Research Step-up要項(Japanese)/ Implementation Guideline(English)
    応募条件/ Funding target 本事業に応募することができる者は、理学研究科に所属する研究者(教員(兼務、特任を含む)、学術研究員、特任研究員、日本学術振興会特別研究員、その他研究科長が認めた者)とし、直近の科研費に応募しているか、あるいは、研究期間が最終年度の科研費による研究課題を推進していること。加えて、次回の科研費では、これまで採択経験のある最大研究種目よりも大型の研究種目に新たに応募することを条件とする。
    Those eligible to apply for this program are researchers affiliated with the Graduate School of Science (faculty members (including adjunct faculty and specially-appointed), academic researchers, specially-appointed researchers, JSPS Postdoctoral Fellows, and other persons approved by the Dean), who have applied for the most recent Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research or be pursuing a research project for a Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research whose research term is in its final year. In addition, the next Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research requires a new application for a larger research category than the largest research category for which the applicant has been selected.
    奨励金額/ Amount of incentive 1件50万円程度を上限とし、使途は、物品費、旅費、人件費・謝金、その他とし、各費目の対象等なる経費の例は、別紙のとおりとする。
    The maximum amount of the incentive grant is about 500,000 yen per project. The amount can be used for Cost of goods, Travel expenses, Personnel costs/honoraria, and Miscellaneous expenses, and examples of eligible expenses for each category are shown in the Appendix.

  • 若手研究者奨励事業/Encouragement Program for Young Scientists要項(Japanese)/ Implementation Guideline(English)
    応募条件/ Funding target 本事業に応募することができる者は、理学研究科に所属する研究者(教員(兼務、特任を含む)、学術研究員、特任研究員、日本学術振興会特別研究員、その他研究科長が認めた者)とし、直近の科研費(若手研究または研究活動スタート⽀援)に応募しており、かつ、次回の科研費(若手研究)に応募することを条件とする。ただし、多くの研究者に挑戦の機会を与えるため、過去に若手研究者奨励事業制度に採択された者は同制度へ再度応募することはできない。
    Those eligible to apply for this project are researchers affiliated with the Graduate School of Science (faculty members (including adjunct faculty and specially-appointed), academic researchers, specially-appointed researchers, JSPS Postdoctoral Fellows, and other persons approved by the Dean), who have applied for the most recent Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (Early-Career Scientists or Research Activity Start-up). In addition, you must apply for the next Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (Early-Career Scientists). In order to give as many researchers as possible the opportunity to apply for the program, those who have been selected for this program in the past are not allowed to apply for this program again.
    奨励金額/ Amount of incentive 1件50万円程度を上限とし、使途は、物品費、旅費、人件費・謝金、その他とし、各費目の対象等となる経費の例は、別紙のとおりとする。
    The maximum amount of the incentive grant is about 500,000 yen per project. The amount can be used for Cost of goods, Travel expenses, Personnel costs/honoraria, and Miscellaneous expenses, and examples of eligible expenses for each category are shown in the Appendix.

  • 国際共同研究奨励事業/Encouragement Program for Promotion of Joint International Research要項(Japanese)/ Implementation Guideline(English)
    応募条件/ Funding target 本事業に応募することができる者は、理学研究科に所属する研究者(教員(兼務、特任を含む)、学術研究員、特任研究員、日本学術振興会特別研究員、 その他研究科長が認めた者)とし、直近の国際共同研究加速基金に応募しており、かつ、次回の国際共同研究加速基金に応募することを条件とする。
    Those eligible to apply for this program are researchers affiliated with the Graduate School of Science (faculty members (including adjunct faculty and specially-appointed), academic researchers, specially-appointed researchers, JSPS Postdoctoral Fellows, and other persons approved by the Dean), who have applied for the most recent Fund for the Promotion of Joint International Research and who will apply for the next Fund for the Promotion of Joint International Research.
    奨励金額/ Amount of incentive 1件50万円程度を上限とし、使途は、物品費、旅費、人件費・謝金、その他とし、各費目の対象等となる経費の例は、別紙のとおりとする。
    The maximum amount of the incentive grant is about 500,000 yen per project. The amount can be used for Cost of goods, Travel expenses, Personnel costs/honoraria, and Miscellaneous expenses, and examples of eligible expenses for each category are shown in the Appendix.

  • 研究奨励事業/ Encouragement Program
    報告書(全事業共通)/ report(English)

  • オープンアクセス出版奨励事業/ Encouragement Program for Open Access Publication要項(Japanese)/ Implementation Guideline(English)/ 別紙(Appendix)

    Application Period in 2024: April 1st, 2024 - March 31st, 2025
    Submit to: Research Support Section, General Affairs Division, Graduate School of Science

    オープンアクセス出版奨励事業事業申請書(Application form)

    オープンアクセス出版奨励事業事業報告書(Report form)

    応募条件/ Funding target (1) 理学研究科に所属する研究者(教員(兼務、特任及を含む)、学術研究員、特任研究員、日本学術振興会特別研究員、その他研究科長が認めた者)とする。
    (2) 本事業の各募集期間中または各募集期間終了後1年以内に原著論文を査読付き学術雑誌にFirst authorまたはCorresponding authorとして投稿し、アクセプト後にオープンアクセス出版する予定の者とする。
    (3) 応募は、一回の募集につき一研究者あたり一件の原著論文とし、投稿予定学術雑誌を指定するものとする。
    (4) 本事業に不採択となった研究者は、同一年度であっても次回以降の募集に応募可能とする。
    (5) 原著論文に対し、東北大学(以下、本学)がオープンアクセス出版を支援するSpringerジャーナル、Wiley社のジャーナルに投稿し、本学からの支援を得る場合は本事業での奨励対象外とする。
    (1) Researchers affiliated with the Graduate School of Science (faculty members (including adjunct faculty and specially-appointed), academic researchers, specially-appointed researchers, JSPS Postdoctoral Fellows, and other persons approved by the Dean).
    (2) The applicant must submit an original paper to a peer-reviewed journal as the first author or corresponding author during or within one year after the end of each of the application periods for this program, and plan to publish the paper in an open access journal after acceptance of this program.
    (3) Only one original paper per researcher per call for papers should be submitted, and the journal to which the paper is to be submitted should be specified.
    (4) Researchers who are not selected for this program may apply for the next and subsequent calls even in the same fiscal year.
    (5) If a researcher submits an original paper to Springer or Wiley journals, which Tohoku University supports for open access publication, and receives support from Tohoku University, the paper will not be eligible for the encouragement under this program.
    奨励金額/ Amount of incentive 1件一律10万円を交付する。
    (1) A flat grant of 100,000 yen per paper will be provided.

  • 【参考:東北大学図書館のオープンアクセス出版支援事業】

  • 国際会議開催奨励事業/Encouragement Program for International Conferences Held要項(Japanese)/ Implementation Guideline(English)

    Application Period: February 1st - 28th, 2025
    提出先 :理学研究科総務課研究支援係
    Submit to: Research Support Section, General Affairs Division, Graduate School of Science

    別紙1(Appendix 1):国際会議開催奨励事業申請書(Application form)

    別紙2(Appendix 2):国際会議開催奨励事業報告書(Report form)

    応募条件/ Funding target (1) 理学研究科に所属する研究者(教員(兼務、特任を含む)、学術研究員、特任研究員、日本学術振興会特別研究員、その他研究科長が認めた者)とする。
    (2) (1)に該当する研究者が学内外を問わず仙台市内で主催する国際会議の開催を対象とする(※国際会議:言語は英語とし、海外研究機関に在籍する研究者複数名が招待講演・講演を行う会議・学会・研究集会)。
    (3) 各年度、前期(4月~9月)・後期(10月~3月)に開催する国際会議を対象に、2回募集を行い、各回数件程度(各年度上限10件)支援する。
    (4) 応募は、一回の募集につき一人一件とする。
    (5) 応募者は申請する国際会議の世話人になっている者とする。
    (6) 本事業の採択者は、採択から2年間は本事業に応募ができないものとする(但し、採択者が世話人となっている他の国際会議に対し、採択者以外の世話人が応募者となって応募をすることは妨げない)。
    (7) 本事業に不採択となった者は、同一年度であっても次回以降の募集に応募可能とする。
    (1) Researchers affiliated with the Graduate School of Science (faculty members (including adjunct faculty and specially-appointed), academic researchers, specially-appointed researchers, JSPS Postdoctoral Fellows, and other persons approved by the Dean).
    (2) International conferences organized in Sendai City by researchers who fall under (1) above, whether inside or outside the university, are eligible. (*International conference: A conference, academic meeting, or research meeting where the language is English and several researchers enrolled in overseas research institutions give invited lectures or talks.)
    (3) The program will accept applications twice each fiscal year for international conferences to be held in the first semester (April to September) and the second semester (October to March), and will provide support for several conferences each time (up to 10 conferences each fiscal year).
    (4) Only one application per person shall be accepted per call.
    (5) Applicants must be an organizer of the international conference for which they are applying.
    (6) Adopters of this program may not apply for this project for two years from the date of adoption (however, this does not preclude an organizer other than the adopter from applying as an applicant for another international conference for which the adopter is an organizer).
    (7) Those who are not selected for this program may apply for the next or subsequent call for applications even in the same fiscal year.
    奨励金額/ Amount of incentive 開催費用は1件10~50万円を交付する。
    The cost of each event will range from 100,000 to 500,000 yen.


    For inquiries about this page, please contact
    理学部・理学研究科 総務課 研究支援係
    Research Support Section, General Affairs Division
    *[at]を@に置き換えてください/Replace [at] with @.