The evolution of galaxies is a current main topic of astronomy. What intrigue me most are the origin of galaxies and their evolution of galaxies from 13 billion years ago when they were born. To perform the research, we need the most powerful instruments which can reach such distance. About ten years ago, our group invented a novel instrument which had excellent performance in infrared imaging and spectroscopy. The instrument was developed with the collaboration of National Astronomical Observatory Japan for Subaru Telescope in Hawaii. Using this instrument, we found very young galaxies at 12 billion light-years away, which are supposed to be early analogs of our Galaxy. The instrument is now in operation for the observations not only of galaxies but also other astronomical targets. It is open to international community of astronomers. My prospective research is exoplanet search. Earth-like planets in other planet systems intrigues our group. The best astronomical site on earth for the exoplanet search is expected in inland Antarctica. The dry and clear sky in low temperature will give us the opportunity for the research of atmosphere in exoplanets with water vapor, which is the most important molecule for life. I had been in Antarctica. My student joined in the wintering party. We built a small astronomical observatory with small telescopes at Dome Fuji station (National Institute of Polar Research Japan), which is located at 1000km away from the shore Syowa station. The site evaluation at Dome Fuji is now going on by our group for future large telescope.