I am conducting research to clarify changes in the marine environment over the past 100 years. By collecting a lot of data observed so far and processing them statistically, we can detect changes on a global scale. In addition to physical data such as water temperature and current velocity, I handle data on the concentrations of chemical components contained in seawater such as nitrates and silicates, and data on substances related to phytoplankton such as chlorophyll. I draw on the world map how each variable is currently distributed with what value, and how they have changed while being related to each other.
I learned about the field of geophysics in a high school physics class. From the story of the Coriolis force, a physics teacher said that we study meteorology in geology at high school, but university has department of geophysics as a part of physics, and we can learn there that the laws of physics express the flow of the atmosphere. Having a longing for physics and an interest in environmental issues, I became very interested in the story and began to aspire to study geophysics. Then, after successfully advancing to the desired department, I chose the Physical Oceanographic Laboratory because I would like to study global phenomena such as climate change. Since then, I have continued my research expanding the scope of analysis under collaboration with many colleagues.
I had spent my school days in Sendai and returned in last October for the first time in more than a dozen years. The scenery of the Faculty of Science changed; the subway opened and the new building was built at the entrance. However, enthusiasm to study and lively discussions at the seminar remain the same. Although the influence of the covid-19 remains to some extent, research and educational activities continue to be carried out taking advantage of online facilities.
I think that any field of studies will be interesting if you commit it seriously. It may be important to find the academic discipline that you really want to work on. There are many researchers in the Aobayama campus who are doing the world's most advanced research in various fields. Why don't you touch them?