東北大学 大学院 理学研究科・理学部|アウトリーチ支援室

ホーム > お知らせ > レポート > Mon, Nov 27 Symposium "Strengthening contributions to the international community through multidisciplinary disaster science research"

Mon, Nov 27 Symposium "Strengthening contributions to the international community through multidisciplinary disaster science research"

 The symposium "Strengthening contributions to the international community through multidisciplinary disaster science research" has been held at Sendai International Center on 27th November 2017. This is one of activities of "the research center for disaster science" in Tohoku University as the designated national one, and departments of geophysics and earth science in graduate school of science have commitment in the center. This symposium has focused on the review of the research needs for science and technology application in disaster risk reduction efforts as well as discussion on strengthening multidisciplinary disaster science researches. After talks by Prof. Satomi (President, Tohoku University), Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology, Japan, Mr. Tremewan (Secretary General, APRU), and Prof. Imamura (Director, IRIDeS of Tohoku University), we had a panel discussion with panelists (Prof. Alexander (University College of London), Prof. Lestari (University of Indonesia), Prof. Takakura (Tohoku University), and Ms. Pang (IFRC)). In the panel discussion, participants discussed the effective collaboration among different stakeholders and contributions to enhancing disaster resilience society from multidisciplinary research based on experience. In the closing session of the symposium, Prof. Hayasaka (former Dean, Graduate school of science, Tohoku University) concluded that we will go ahead with the international collaboration of disaster science even more.

Prof. Satomi (President, Tohoku University)

Prof. Hayasaka (former Dean, Graduate school of science, Tohoku University)



