Division for International Research and Educational Cooperation
Graduate School of Science and Faculty of Science , Tohoku University
トップページ > 教職員の方へ > 留学生アンケート(卒業・修了時調査)
2020年度の結果概要を報告いたします。[2023年3月 質問フォーム]
[日本語学習について] [不満/残念に思うこと] [嬉しかったこと] [提案:交流機会] [提案:その他]
【実施時期】 2022年9月及び2023年3月
【実施方法】 Google フォームへの入力(修了時期に学務情報システムで周知)
【対象者数】 51名(9月 42名/3月 9名)
【回答者数】 18名(9月 16名/3月 2名)内訳:学部2,修士10, 博士6
「満足度」の説明 *( )内は学習方法
・I can see myself improving although, not a fast one. I can balance my work with my self-study (川内・自分で勉強)
・Studying Japanese requires a lot of time which I don't have. I have to work on my research. If I give more time to Japanese then I wouldn't be able to do what I've done till now. So I discontinued studying Japanese. (川内)
・ I am satisfied with the learnings I gained. I believe there was an assessment exam done before you decided on the appropriate classes to take. However, it would have been better if the number of students could still be reduced in a class and carefully assessed the proficiency levels of each student. Overall, the experience is very useful and beneficial. (川内・自分で勉強・その他)
・ I can now speak basic Japanese and have daily conversations almost fluently. I would like to improve formal and professional discussion and learn more grammar and kanji (他部局・地域の団体・自分で勉強・その他)
・ I have a clearer understanding of which language study area I need to focus on. (川内・自分で勉強)
・ master some basic Japanese (川内)
・ I think I should have studied harder (川内・自分で勉強・その他)
・ It was a bit difficult because I had to do research and academic classes at the same time. I think it would have been better if I studied Japanese first before I started graduate school. (川内)
・ I should be better than I actually am (自分で勉強)
・ My progress is not enough to get my life better (自分で勉強)
(1) 不満・残念に思った(思っている)こと
・I am frustrated that most information available is in Japanese (although of course, I understand that I am living in Japan), I wanted to try lots of things like exchange programs abroad, etc. But it seems like because of the language barrier, the opportunities are less for us.
・ Not really frustrating or discouraging. I would rather say challenging especially the communication barrier and adjustment to cultural differences not only to Japanese people but to other international students/people.
・ Having problems outside the campus that require speaking in Japanese
・Pandemic restrictions like gatherings and traveling
・ Asking my parents to sign an authorization to go on a business trip while I am 30 years old
・The gap in the level of ability between the local Japanese students and the international students. The local students are incredibly bright while a lot of the international students struggle to grasp basic chemistry concepts. I guess the challenge was in trying to bridge the gap while still not becoming disillusioned with how the university was accepting international
・ delays in the dates of receiving my samples and projects
・ I've seen people stand and go away when I sit beside them in a subway. I felt like racism there but he may have his own reasons. But this was frustrating.
・ Fell down from a running bicycle
・ Winter temperatures
・ I never felt frustrated. Everything is just good.
・ One of the best things is the education and opportunities I was provided. Now I'm doing things that I've never imagined. And I feel proud and also enjoyable at the same time.
・ The time when I get my first academic result.
・ Completed my PhD pre-defense and defense
・ Receiving great support to have good conditions to work on the research topic I like (weekly seminars, materials, business trips, financial support, ...)
・ field trips, visiting some research centers, publishing my paper
・ Meeting new people and local traveling
・ Party with friends
・ Inviting Japanese lab mates over to my place because that signified that we were actually friends, not just lab mates
・ Camaraderie and connections were formed.
・ I got really good and polite behavior from everyone and everything was systematic
・ I truly enjoy every single day I am here. Every single interaction, every single person, every single opportunity, etc.
・ The people I've met
・ know how to read Japanese
・ Maybe an activity as simple as having a meal together could help, in an event like hanami, imonikai, or something
・ Make compulsory meetings for international students
・ If face-to-face activities are already allowed, incorporate campus tours and introduction to facilities that students can access on orientation programs.
・ Field trip/study trip for the school of science. Project-based activities such as volunteering, etc. More internationalized activities, such as collab with organizations from abroad
・ I think the existing English cafes and multicultural lounges are already great ideas. Maybe more opportunities to meet with students face-to-face. I think the height of the pandemic was the main reason why there wasn't much interaction, as I have also heard from Japanese students.
・ Interdisciplinary small seminars or workshops - Short presentation of the research topic in Japanese / English
・ Introduce some basic Japanese
・ I wish that some of the paperwork would be in English
・ Update the website (especially the student affairs information system), it is so old, hard to use, and non-interactive. Have an automatic GPA calculator
・ The quality of the chemistry classes taught in English was unfortunately not up to standard. During my doctoral time, the classes I was attending were teaching me concepts that I learned back in the first or second year of my undergraduate course
・ I want to see more international students in this university. Because this is a prestigious university and the research is world-class. The only thing students are afraid of is the job opportunities after their graduation. Hope this university figures it out as soon as possible.