Graduate School of Science and Faculty of Science Tohoku University

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Request for Certificates

  • Types of Certificate

    (1) Bachelor Graduation Certificate
          A Certificate Letter by the Dean to prove the items on your Bachelor Diploma.
    (2) Master's/Doctoral Graduation Certificate
          A Certificate Letter by the Dean to prove the items on your Graduate level Diploma.
    (3) Official Academic Transcript
          Can be sealed in an envelope upon request.
    (4) Certificate on your Academic Ability (mainly for the Teaching Credential purpose in Japan)

    [Previously Auditing Students]
        (1) Certificate of your previous Enrollment
    [Previously Research Students]
        (1) Certificate of your previous Enrollment
        (2) Official Academic Transcript
        (3) Certificate on your Academic Ability (mainly for the Teaching Credential purpose in Japan)
  • Application for Certificates
    [Apply directly at Kyomu window]
    Visit Student Support Section window with your ID (Residence Card, Passport, Student ID Card, etc...).
    Open on weekdays, from 8:30 am to 5:15 pm.
    2nd Floor, Science Administration Center (Rigaku kenkyu-ka jimuto) [H-11]

    [Apply by Email]
    Email the following details with the subject line starting from [Certificate Application] to Student Support Section: sci-sien[at]

         1) Student ID Number
         2) Name (Name in Katakana if possible)
         3) Gender
         4) Date of Birth in the order of YYYY/MM/DD
         5) Date of your Enrollment and Graduation
         6) Number of Certificate copies you need
         7) Where to submit for what
         8) Current address
         9) Email
       10) Phone number

    If you cannot categorize your request as above, contact Student Support Section, School of Science.
    Email: sci-sien[at]
    Phone: +81-(0)22-795-5829
    2nd Floor, Science Administration Center (Rigaku kenkyuka jimuto) [H-11]
    Campus map: see here

Alumni Organization
