- Academic Affairs Division (Kyomu)
1. Graduate Academic Affairs Section → courses, registration, grades, etc.
2. Undergraduate Academic Affairs Section → courses, registration, grades, etc.
3. Departmental Student Affairs Section → student affairs for each department
4. Student Support Section → certificates, scholarships, etc.
Department Office
- Mathematics
*For individual contact information, please click here.
Monday-Friday 8:30 AM- 5:15 PM (except for lunch break, 0:45-1:45 PM)
Closed on Saturdays, Sundays, and holidays
- Division for International Research and Educational Cooperation Graduate School of Science, Tohoku University (DiRECT)
Phone: +81-22-795-5829
E-mail: direct [at]
2F, Science Administration Center [H-11]
Monday-Friday 10:00 AM - 5:00 PM (except for lunch break, 0:45-1:45 PM)
Closed on Saturdays, Sundays, and holidays
Course Syllabus/Course Schedule, Registration, Student Handbook
- Course Syllabus (April 2024- March 2025)
→ Please check them online (The printed version is not available anymore.)
Student Affairs Information System (needs to log in with your Tohoku University ID)
Quick Syllabus (no need to have a Tohoku University ID)
*The initial screens are only in Japanese; please click the blue bar beneath "理学部・理学研究科," enter the keyword in English, and then a list of syllabi will show up.
*The simple syllabus search (available in English) will resume its service in September 2024.
Class instruction methods and the Class Codes for Google Classroom are listed in the syllabus on the Student Affairs Information System.
< Registration Period >
Program |
Period |
Procedure |
Online Registration |
Undergraduate & Graduate |
10/1 (Tue.) -10/14 (Mon.) |
Please submit the "Course Registration Form(履修科目登録願)" via Google Form for courses that cannot be registered online. |
Changes Accepted (to add/drop courses) |
Undergraduate & Graduate |
10/15 (Tue.) -10/21 (Mon.) |
[Undergraduate] Apply modification yourself via the System (Click here for the details)
[Graduate] Submit "Change of Course Registration Form (履修科目訂正願) *" via Google Form |
Additional Registration (For newly informed courses, e.g, intensive lectures) |
Undergraduate & Graduate |
[Undergraduate] After 10/22 (Tue.) and as needed
[Graduate] As needed |
[Undergraduate] Add the course via the System (Click here for the details) *Upon being approved by the instructor, it will be officially registered (the Undergraduate Academic Affairs Section will contact him/her for you)
[Graduate] Submit "Course Registration Form (履修科目登録願)" via Google Form |
Forms submit to:
< Notes >
* No need to fill in the "Reason for the change" column, nor obtain the seal of approval. (Only if applying after the "Changes Accepted" period, please obtain the seal of approval from the course instructor to the form, or attach an email showing that he or she approved the change.)
★ Special cases for graduate students
To register for the courses listed below, please submit the "Course Registration Request Form (as related courses or others)(履 修 願(関連科目・その他の科目)" via Google Form within the registration period: 10/1-10/14.
※Please obtain the seal of approval from the course instructor to the form, or attach an email showing that he or she approved your application.
1) Courses offered by the faculty of science (specialized courses of undergraduate program)
2) Courses offered by other graduate schools
3) Courses offered by other departments that are not classified as your department's related courses (ref.->"Table of Courses" in the "Student Handbook")
Office in charge: Graduate Academic Affairs Section (E-mail: sci-in [at]
- Please register online as early as possible. (On the last day of the registration period the system may not respond properly due to a large amount of access.)
-Registration for courses applied for through the "Course Registration Form" will be processed sequentially from October 15.
- If you fail to register, you will not receive grades or credits. Make sure to confirm that you have successfully registered for the courses after registration.
Academic Calendar/Course Guidance
Grading System
- 1. The grading system at the School of Science will be as follows
Grade |
Details |
Marks |
Pass / Fail |
AA |
Excellent |
90~100 |
Pass |
A |
Very good |
80~89 |
B |
Good |
70~79 |
C |
Satisfactory |
60~69 |
D |
Fail |
59 and below |
Fail |
/ |
Incomplete |
- Results may be displayed as a pass or fail under certain circumstances.
- Grades may be awarded after consideration of submitted reports, attendance rates, and course completion in addition to exam results under certain circumstances.
- The AA grade has been awarded to students with excellent results who were admitted after 2004. Hence grade AA is included in A for students who have been admitted before that.
2. The syllabus will contain subjectwise course objectives (objectives for award of grades) and details on award of results. As a rule, grades will be awarded according to the achievement level of the objectives set for each subject.
3. Lecturers in charge should retain exam scripts and reports submitted by students for up to one year from the date of the exam and one year from the date of submission, respectively, for use in grading and for use in case a student wishes to disclose their results.
However, this does not apply to cases in which lecturers return exam scripts to students with a grade or comments. In the case of an exam script, it is desirable to keep the original and return a copy of the script to the student.
(For reference: standard of document storage duration of Tohoku University: Exam scripts and reports for one year)
4. Students may request an explanation of their examination results from the lecturer in charge within 2 weeks of the date of the examination.
However, in circumstances where the student has a valid reason, they may be able to request for an explanation within the one-year storage period of their results.
5. Students who have received an explanation of their results and who wish to appeal their results may report this to the head of the Academic Affairs committee.
6. If there is an appeal, a meeting will be set up with the majority of the Academic Affairs committee in attendance, in order to discuss the appeal.
Usage of Student ID Card
The Student ID Card that you have been issued is needed to use Automatic Certificate Issuance Machines and the university libraries. Please be aware of the following when using your card.
- 1. Appearance of Name
Your name appears in Kanji characters or alphabetic and katakana (phonetic Japanese) characters on your card.
Kanji characters used to render Japanese and international students' names must conform to Japan Industrial Standards specifications 1 or 2.
Names that contain characters that cannot be rendered by these character sets shall be rendered entirely in katakana. The above also applies to certificates issued by Automatic Certificate Issuance Machines.
We are unable to issue Student ID Cards containing non-standard characters. Thank you for your understanding.
- 2. Passwords
A password for the Tohoku-Dai ID is required to use the Automatic Certificate Issuance Machines.
Your initial password is detailed in the "Integrated Electronic Authentication System of Tohoku University" notification that you received at orientation.
If you have any questions, please inquire at the Instruction Section.
You can change your password by accessing the Integrated Electronic Authentication System of Tohoku University password website and following the on-screen instructions. You should access this website and change your initial default password to a new one immediately.
*URL for Integrated Electronic Authentication System of Tohoku University password change:
- 3. Loss or destruction of Student ID Cards
Your Student ID Card may not function properly if it is deformed or exposed to strong magnetic fields.
Special care is required when using backpacks/bags that have magnetic clasps.
If your card becomes lost or damaged, please go to the Instruction Section to reissue.
- 4. Student ID
A unique Student ID is assigned to each student. Student ID for all students entering the university in or after the 2000 academic year follows the below format.

[1] The second to the last digit of the year of admission represented in alphabets.
A = 2000 to 2009 B = 2010 to 2019 ....
[2] The last number of the year of admission.
1 = 2011 2 = 2012 ....
[3] Faculty or Graduate School.
S = Science E = Engineering, ....
[4] division and student category to which you belong represented with alphabetic characters.
B = Bachelor M = Master's D = Doctoral
[5] The 1st letter of the last 4-digits represents department.
Undergraduate: 1 = Mathematics 2 = Physics, Astronomy & Geophysics4 = Chemistry
4 = Chemistry 5 = Earth Science 6 = Biology
Graduate: 1 = Mathematics 2 = Physics 3 = Astronomy
4 = Geophysics 5 = Chemistry 6 = Earth Science
Leave of absence, return to school, study abroad and withdrawal from school
Those wishing to take a leave of absence, return to school, study abroad or withdraw from school must confirm its procedures with the Academic Affairs Section and consult with their Head of department and (class) supervisor at the earliest possible date. These applications will not be retroactive.
- 1. Application for Leave of Absence
a) Those who wish to take a Leave of Absence for more than 3 months due to an illness or other circumstances should submit an "Application for Leave of Absence" (those with an illness should attach a medical certificate from their doctor, and those who wish to study abroad under a program other than the student exchange program should attach a copy of certificate of acceptance from the institution).
b) Leave of absence can be granted for more than 3 months, but less than 1 year. However, under special circumstances such as illness and studying abroad, leave of absence may be granted for more than 1 year.
c) The duration of the leave of absence is not counted as period of enrollment. Leave of absence will not be granted for more than a total of 2 years.
d) First date of leave of absence cannot be retroactive before the acceptance date of application.
e) Leave of absence will only be granted in unavoidable circumstances and may be refused in some cases.
f) Students may be exempt from paying tuition fees during their leave of absence (this excludes tuition fees that have already been paid).
g) To submit an application for a leave of absence, students must pay the tuition fees incurred for the term in which they submit their application.
- 2. Application to return to school
a) If you are able to return to school during your leave of absence, you may apply to return by filling in a request for application to return (those taking a leave of absence due to an illness must attach a medical certificate from their doctor stating that they are fit to return to school).
b) At the end of your leave of absence, you must fill in a form to notice to return to school.
- 3. Application to study abroad
- 4. Withdrawal from school
Tohokudai ID
Tohokudai ID and password are necessary for accessing the information service provided by Tohoku University and must be kept confidential as they identify you. Refer to:
Notification of Personal details
If a student's name, current address, guardian or guardian's address is changed, they should inform the University.
Note: If the student's details are not up to date, all certificates issued will contain old details, and the University may be unable to get in touch with the student in an emergency.
Notification of Change in Personal Details [Word]
Download the form and submit it to Academic Affairs Section (at Kyomu #1 or #2 windows).
- Certificate Machines
- Certificate Machines are available from 8:30am to 9:00pm. ( Except the machine on Katahira campus closes at 5:00pm. )
- Student ID Card & Tohokudai ID password is required to log in.
- only available for your current program.
- can use any machine, regardless of your affiliation or home campus.
- may not be available for maintenance, updating, or trouble of the system.
Campus |
Machine Location |
Operation Days & Hours |
Kawauchi-Kita |
Administration Building (Student Service Division) |
Mon - Sun |
8:30 AM - 9:00PM |
School of Science (Aobayama) |
Science Administration Center (In front of Kyomu#3) |
Mon - Fri |
8:30 AM - 9:00PM |
Katahira |
Extended Education & Research Building School of Law |
Mon - Fri |
8:30 AM - 5:00PM |
- Types of Certificate
Certificate Machine: issued instantly
Kyomu#3 Window: issued usually in 2 business days
*request clearly if you need a certificate Sealed in an envelope
Certificate |
Certificate Machine |
Kyomu#3 Window |
Japanese |
English |
Certificate of Enrollment 在学証明書 |
◯ |
◯ |
◯ |
◯ |
Academic Transcript 成績証明書 |
◯ |
◯ |
◯ |
◯ |
Certificate of Expected Completion 修了見込証明書 |
◯ |
◯ |
◯ |
◯ |
Certificate of Completion 修了証明書 |
✕ |
◯ |
◯ |
◯ |
Certificate for JR Student Discount 学割証 |
◯ |
◯ |
◯ |
✕ |
Health-check Report 定期健康診断結果報告書 |
◯ |
✕ |
◯ |
✕ |
Certificate for Commuter Pass 通学証明書 |
✕ |
◯ |
◯ |
✕ |
Certificate of MEXT Scholarship 国費留学生証明書 |
✕ |
◯ |
◯ *日英併記 |
◯ |