The Faculty of Science and Graduate School of Science of Tohoku University consists of seven departments: Mathematics, Physics, Geophysics, Chemistry, Geoenvironmental Science, Earth and Planetary Materials Science, and Biology. In addition, there are six majors: mathematics, physics, astronomy, geophysics, chemistry, and earth sciences. Since its founding in 1907, the university has upheld the basic principles of "research first" and "open doors" and has opened this place of research and education to society as an international base for the creation of knowledge in science.
Environmental problems, explosive epidemics of infectious diseases, and instability in the world have led to a sense of uncertainty about the sustainable development of society and the economy, and modern society is confronted with many challenges. These issues are intricately intertwined and cannot be easily solved. However, science, which is the foundation of various academic fields and the intellectual property of humankind, directly or indirectly contributes to solving these problems. The Faculty of Science and the Graduate School of Science cover a wide range of scientific fields, including the microscopic world of elementary particles, atomic nuclei, atoms, and molecules, the macroscopic world of living life, the earth, and the universe, and mathematical scientific phenomena. Utilizing the results of these efforts, we are nurturing future researchers with scientific thinking and practical skills necessary to overcome the problems of modern society. Through these activities, we are contributing to the development of science and supporting the foundations of science, technology, and innovation.
On the Kita-Aobayama Campus, where the Graduate School of Science is located, the campus library and co-op cafeteria were renovated in 2023. A covered corridor connecting the two is a new gathering place for students and faculty members. We continue to create an environment suitable for an international center of science and promote research and education in science.
April, 2024