We have invited Prof. Dr. Stefan Fölsch from Germany to give us the following seminars. Please bring yourself to enjoy the topics!
Speaker: Prof. Dr. Stefan Fölsch
Senior Research Scientist (Principal Investigator) Paul-Drude Institute for Solid-State Electronics
Doctor of Natural Sciences, Hannover University
Habilitation in Experimental Physics, Free University of Berlin
- Thursday, 23 Oct. 2014 4:30 pm ‐ 6:00 pm
[Topic] Atom manipulation and local spectroscopy by scanning tunneling microscopy
- Thursday, 30 Oct. 2014 4:30 pm ‐ 6:00 pm
[Topic] Molecular switches at surfaces
- Thursday, 6 Nov. 2014 4:30 pm ‐ 6:00 pm
[Topic] Generating and probing individual nanostructures on III‐V semiconductor surfaces
Room 745 Science Complex B [H‐03]
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