- December 11, 2024Call for applications April 2025 enrollment (WISE Program for Sustainability in the Dynamic Earth (SyDE program) )
- December 11, 2024GP-PU Seminar: "Pursuing Origins of Cosmic High-energy Neutrinos"
- November 25, 2024GP-PU Seminar
- November 22, 2024GP-PU Seminar
- November 13, 2024GP-PU(Graduate Program on Physics for the Universe) Program Guidance
- November 8, 2024GP-PU Seminar: "Hadron physics and lattice QCD"
- November 8, 2024SyDE program information session for 2025 Spring enrollment
- October 4, 2024 GP-PU Seminar: "Introduction to heavy quarkonium physics and perturbative QCD"
- August 5, 2024GPPU school 2024 (9/24-27)
- July 31, 20242024 GPPU Qualifying Examination 1 (QE1) for September graduates
- July 11, 20242024 GPPU Qualifying Examination 2 (QE2) for September graduates
- June 21, 2024GP-PU Seminar: "Geo-neutrino Observation: KamLAND and future plan"
- June 6, 2024GP-PU Seminar: "Functional renormalization group: an introduction and inspiration from machine learning"
- June 3, 2024Exhibition Commemorating Japan's First Female University Students
- May 7, 2024GP-PU Seminar: "Probing the origin of heavy elements in the Universe: physics and astrophysics of kilonova"
- April 30, 2024GP-PU Seminar: "Early r-process enrichment in globular clusters"
- April 18, 2024GP-PU Seminar: "Lattice Gauge Theory and Quantum Computing"
- April 17, 2024GP-PU Seminar: "Many-body crossover in cold atomic and nuclear systems"
- April 5, 2024GP-PU Seminar: "Determination of the proton charge radius using low energy electron scattering"
- March 8, 20242024 GP-PU Orientation/Guidance
- March 8, 2024GP-PU QE2 (Qualifying Examination 2) is held online as well as in person on Mar.27.
- February 22, 2024GP-PU Seminar: "Neutrinos from the Big Bang: how they evolved and how to see them"
- February 8, 2024GP-PU Lectures: "Introduction to Observational Cosmology" (2 lectures x 3 days)
- February 8, 2024GP-PU Seminar: "Machine learning and theoretical physics"
- February 7, 2024GP-PU Seminars
- February 5, 2024GP-PU Seminars
- January 23, 2024GP-PU Seminar: "Searching for exotic hadrons using Hyperon Spectrometer at J-PARC"
- January 18, 2024GPPU Qualifying Examinations (QE1, QE2)
- November 22, 2023GP-PU Seminar: "Towards NUclear Reactions Essential for A Comprehensive Hindsight of the universe"
- November 22, 2023SyDE program information session for 2024 Spring enrollment
- November 8, 2023GP-PU(Graduate Program on Physics for the Universe) Program Guidance
- November 8, 2023GP-PU Qualifying Examination (QE2)
- November 6, 2023GP-PU Seminar: "A possible interpretation of Hubble tension by inhomogeneous cosmology"
- October 27, 2023GP-PU Seminars
- October 13, 2023GP-PU Seminar: "Dark Matter Models"
- September 25, 2023GP-PU Seminar: "Extreme electrodynamics of black holes"
- September 6, 2023GPPU school 2023 (9/26-29)
- September 6, 2023GP-PU Seminar: "First order phase transitions in the early universe and cosmological consequences"
- July 7, 2023GP-PU Qualifying Examination 2 (QE2)
- June 27, 2023GP-PU Seminar: "Kamioka CryoLab: A Future Low-background Underground Facility for Cryogenic Light Dark Matter Searches"
- June 13, 2023GP-PU Seminar: "Exotic hadrons as hadron composite states near thresholds"
- June 1, 2023GP-PU Seminar: "Baryon-baryon potentials in the flavor SU(3) sector: A constituent quark model approach"
- May 11, 2023GP-PU Seminar: "What are Ultra-Faint Dwarf Galaxies and why should you care?"
- April 26, 2023GP-PU Seminar: "Understanding the generation of hadron masses from QCD and experimental data"
- March 24, 2023GP-PU Seminar: "Nuclear Incompressibility: How Collective Excitation Modes of a Nucleus Characterize Astrophysical Processes"
- March 17, 2023GP-PU Orientation/Guidance
- March 17, 2023RCNS-GPPU Joint Seminar: "SuperChooz; Prospect of Physics Potential"
- March 3, 2023GP-PU Seminar: "The shape of the proton -- a story full with puzzles"
- February 27, 2023GP-PU Seminar: "The QMC Model from Nuclei to Neutron Stars"
- February 24, 2023GP-PU Seminar: "Precise determination of |V_{cb}| by renormalon subtraction"
- January 19, 2023GP-PU Seminar: "Introduction and application of energy-density functional theory for atomic nuclei"
- January 13, 2023GP-PU Qualifying Examination (QE1, QE2)
- December 27, 2022GP-PU Seminar: "Understanding the cosmological origin of elements in the universe (From Big Bang to Stellar Evolution)"
- November 29, 2022GP-PU Seminar: "Basics of topological phases of matter"
- November 24, 2022GP-PU Seminar: "Stellar chemical compositions to constrain nucleosynthesis and chemical evolution of the universe"
- November 22, 2022SyDE program information session for 2023 Spring enrollment
- November 9, 2022GP-PU Seminar: "Hadron interactions with strange quarks from lattice QCD"
- November 9, 2022GP-PU Seminar: "Nuclear structure calculation for double-beta decay"
- November 4, 2022Program Guidance for the Graduate Program on Physics for the Universe (GP-PU)
- September 27, 2022GP-PU Seminar: "Quantum tunneling and dissipation in heavy-ion fusion reactions"
- September 27, 2022GP-PU Seminar: "The creation of elements"
- September 27, 20222022 GP-PU Autumn Progress Status Presentation
- July 26, 2022International Symposium 「Frontier of Understanding Earth's Interior and Dynamics」
- July 21, 2022GP-PU Qualifying Examination(QE2, QE1)
- June 23, 2022GP-PU Seminar: "Theoretical study of three-nucleon force"
- June 3, 2022GP-PU Seminar: "Phase structure of hot and dense QCD and its experimental searches"
- May 31, 2022GP-PU Seminar: "A synthesized view of the dark matter nature arising from observations of the faintest galaxies"
- May 25, 2022GP-PU Seminar: "Supernova nucleosynthesis and origin of elements"
- May 18, 2022GP-PU Seminar: "The thermodynamics of irreversible processes: Hydrodynamics with quantum anomaly"
- May 16, 20222022 GP-PU Spring Progress Status Presentation
- May 16, 2022GP-PU Seminar: "Neutrinos in core-collapse supernovae and in neutron star mergers"
- May 2, 2022GP-PU Seminar: "From nucleons to nuclei and neutron stars (topological soliton approach)"
- April 13, 2022Institute for Integrated Earth System Science (IESS): International Workshop "Exploring Quantum, Elements, and Life Interactions"
- March 30, 2022Change of Time and Venue for the 2022 Entrance Ceremony
- March 15, 2022GP-PU Orientation/Guidance
- February 16, 2022GP-PU Seminar: "Stellar Alchemy: in the era of astronomical observations and nuclear measurements"
- February 16, 2022GP-PU Seminar: "From hadrons to quarks in neutron stars"
- January 20, 2022GP-PU Seminar: "Radioactive isotope physics at RIBF"
- January 18, 2022GP-PU Qualifying Examinations(QE1, QE2)
- November 25, 2021GP-PU Seminar: "Physics with ultracold atoms"
- November 1, 2021GP-PU Program Guidance
- October 19, 2021GP-PU Seminar: "Density functional theory for neutron-rich nuclei and hypernuclei"
- October 19, 2021GP-PU Seminar: "Short introduction to the nuclear physics of neutron stars"
- August 17, 2021GP-PU Seminar
- July 19, 2021GP-PU QE1 (Qualifying Examination 1) for September Graduates is held online on Aug.6, 2021
- July 16, 2021GP-PU Seminar: "Lecture on the structure of pentaquarks"
- June 24, 2021GP-PU Seminar: "Nuclear equation of state and its applications to astrophysical compact objects"
- June 1, 2021GP-PU Seminar: "Noise-resilient quantum simulation of nuclear dynamics"
- April 7, 2021[Kita-Aobayama library] E-book Request Campaign[3/30-4/30]
- March 3, 2021GP-Spin Seminar: "Mini Course: Spin-based Quantum Bits"
- December 24, 2020GP-PU Seminar: "Probing Cosmological Interactions by the Next Generation of Observations"
- December 24, 2020GP-PU Seminar: "Theory of gravity in the era of gravitational-wave observations"
- November 30, 2020GP-PU Seminar: "Nuclear Lattice Simulations"
- November 12, 2020GP-PU Seminar: "Towards consistent graviton's mass"
- November 10, 2020GP-PU Program Guidance
- October 26, 2020The 4th Symposium for The Core Research Cluster for Materials Science and the 3rd Symposium on International Joint Graduate Program in Materials Science "Create New Value of Materials Science through Broad Collaboration"
- July 31, 2020GP-PU Seminar: "Theoretical study of the 3H(p,e+,e-)4He reaction and the search for the particle X17"
- July 14, 2020GP-PU Seminar: "Nuclear Dynamics within Time-Dependent Density Functional Theory: From Nuclei to Neutron Stars"
- July 1, 2020GP-PU Seminar: "Effects of tensor force in nuclear relativistic density functional theory: Part2"
- June 23, 2020GP-PU Seminar: "Effects of tensor force in nuclear relativistic density functional theory"
- March 26, 2020DiRECT invited thee alumni of IGPAS to be the guest speakers for the event "IGPAS Gathering 2020 --Working in Japan" held on Saturday, February 15, 2020.
- March 19, 2020GP-PU Seminar: "Elementary Introduction to Cosmology and Hubble constant Problem"
- February 14, 2020GP-PU Seminar: "Unified Superfluid Dark Sector"
- February 14, 2020GP-PU Seminar: "Understanding astronomy and meteorology from historical sources: some works made in Extremadura University"
- January 7, 2020GP-PU Seminar: "Methodology of nuclear theory and recent study toward understanding the universe"
- December 16, 2019MD Program Admission Events for Spring 2020
- December 6, 2019GP-PU Seminar: "Supersymmetry confronted with dark matter and muon g-2"
- November 25, 2019GP-PU Program Guidance
- October 16, 2019The 2nd Symposium on International Joint Graduate Program in Materials Science
- October 3, 2019GP-PU Seminar: "Accelerating plasma mirrors as analog black holes to investigate the information loss paradox"
- October 3, 2019GP-PU Seminar: "Everything you always wanted to know about black holes"
- September 30, 2019【10/1-11/24】Re-Discovering our bats in Japan and Cuba
- July 19, 2019Lectures on Quantum Computer at Tohoku University
- July 3, 2019GP-PU Seminar: "How to burn carbon and make 60Fe in stars ?"
- June 26, 2019GP-PU Seminar: "The search for the elusive KL → πνν with the KOTO detector by looking for nothing"
- June 26, 2019GP-PU Seminar: "Experiments with polarized particle"
- May 15, 2019GP-PU Seminar: "Theory of quarkonium electromagnetic transitions"
- May 15, 2019GP-PU Seminar: "A Nuclear Physics Explanation of Biomolecular Homochirality: Theory and Experiment"
- May 15, 2019GP-PU Seminar: "Nuclear Fission in the 21st Century:A Review of Experimental Advances and Phenomenology"
- May 15, 2019GP-PU Seminar: "QCD nonrelativistic effective field theories"
- April 24, 2019GP-PU Seminar: "Alpha-clustering and discrete point-group symmetries in nuclei: How to assess the role of alpha-clustering in Carbon-12"
- April 24, 2019GP-PU Seminar: "Hadron structure and transition from lattice QCD"
- April 10, 2019GP-PU Seminar: "Bulge Formation in the Milky Way and in High Redshift Galaxies"
- February 28, 2019GP-PU Seminar: "Echo from the Universe: Cosmological Gravitational Waves"
- February 22, 2019GP-PU Seminar: "The search of the properties of the amazing neutrino"
- February 8, 2019GP-PU Seminar: "Why duality is so important in string theory"
- February 6, 2019GP-PU Seminar: "Nuclear theory at the precision frontier"
- November 6, 201811/9, 11/16, 11/26, 11/29 GP-PU Seminar
- October 25, 2018GP-PU Program Guidance
- October 2, 2018GP-PU Seminar: "Introduction to the three-nucleon (3N) interaction"
- July 10, 2018GP-PU Seminar: "Towards unveiling the role of strangeness in the Universe: kaonic atoms experimental studies"
- July 4, 2018GP-PU Seminar: "Dark Waves in the Galaxy and the Axiverse"
- July 2, 2018GP-PU Seminar: "Solar system initiation and its early, rapid growth and differentiation of planets"
- June 22, 2018Seminar for writing scientific papers in English
- June 5, 2018GP-PU Seminar: "Cosmological tests of gravity"
- June 5, 2018Mini-concert with Naohiro ITO.
- May 30, 2018GP-PU Seminar: "Top physics: past, present and future"
- May 15, 2018GPPU school "String and Universe" (June 12-15, 2018)
- May 9, 2018GP-PU Seminar (May 21-23, 2018)
- April 19, 2018GP-PU Seminar: "Permanent EDM searches and the theoretical landscape of CP violation"
- April 19, 2018GP-PU Seminar: "The Quest for EDMs: Probing TeV Physics with neV Neutrons"
- April 12, 2018GP-PU Seminar: "What is Density Functional Theory for nuclei, and why does it matter for astrophysics and particle physics?"
- April 12, 2018GP-PU Seminar: "Investigating ΛN Interaction and Studying Λ-Hypernuclei with Electroproduction of Λ Using Electron Beam at JLab"
- March 22, 2018GP-PU Seminar: "Heavy quark physics at the ILC"
- February 22, 2018GP-PU Seminar: "String theory, a biased overview"
- February 22, 2018GP-PU Seminar: "Resurgence Theory: Nonperturbativequantum effects vs Perturbative analysis"
- February 5, 2018School of Science FD Seminar: "Teaching in English"
- January 30, 2018GP-PU Seminar: "Big Bang Nucleosynthesis and the Lithium Problem"
- January 30, 2018GP-PU Seminar: "Precision big bang nucleosynthesis with improved Helium-4 predictions"
- December 7, 2017GP-PU Seminar: "Low energy supersymmetry (II): machine learning in parameter space exploration"
- December 7, 2017GP-PU Seminar: "Low energy supersymmetry (I): status in light of current LHC data"
- November 28, 2017Mon, Nov 27 Symposium "Strengthening contributions to the international community through multidisciplinary disaster science research"
- November 28, 2017GP-PU Seminar: "Neutrinos in physics and astrophysics"
- November 28, 2017GP-PU Seminar: "Unstable nuclear structure and Covariant density functional theory"
- November 24, 2017GP-PU Seminar: "Bases and applications in observational cosmology"
- November 17, 2017GP-PU Program Guidance
- October 24, 2017GP-PU Seminar: "Scattering theory"
- October 24, 2017GP-PU Seminar: "The creation of the elements"
- October 24, 2017GP-PU Seminar: "How many is different? Question on Emergence and Answer from ideal Bose gas"
- October 10, 2017An evening of orchestral fun
- October 6, 2017GP-PU Seminar: "Variable protostellar accretion with episodic bursts"
- October 2, 2017GP-PU Seminar: "Differential equations approach to multiloop calculations"
- October 2, 2017GP-PU Seminar: "Hypernuclear Physics: Still a Conjecture after 70 Years, Part Ⅱ"
- October 2, 2017GP-PU Seminar: "Hypernuclear Physics: Still a Conjecture after 70 Years, Part I"
- September 7, 2017GP-PU Seminar: "Higgs physics at linear colliders"
- September 7, 2017GP-PU Seminar: "Gravitational-wave Astronomy of Neutron star mergers"
- August 24, 2017GP-PU Seminar: "Stellar twins and Galactic phylogenetics"
- July 27, 2017GP-PU Seminar: "An introduction to particle dark matter"
- July 7, 2017GP-PU Seminar: "Studies of invisible and semi-invisible processes at Belle"
- June 14, 2017GP-PU Seminar: "Full power -slow motion"
- May 19, 2017GP-PU Seminar: "Fundamentals of Density Functional Theory and its connections to Quantum Field Theory"
- May 19, 2017GP-PU Seminar: "Phases of Strongly Interacting Matter - from Quarks and Gluons to Nuclei and Neutron Stars -"
- May 18, 2017Earth, Sea and Sky II: International Joint Graduate Program Workshop in Earth and Environmental Sciences co-hosted by the Tohoku University GP-EES and JSPS-DFG Japanese-German Graduate Externship
- March 28, 2017GP-PU Seminar: "The quest for detecting inflationary B-modes in the CMB polarisation"
- March 6, 2017GP-PU Seminar: "China JinPing underground Laboratory for Nuclear Astrophysics"
- March 2, 2017GP-PU Seminar: "Research Status of PBP - CMU - Linac Group"
- February 27, 2017GP-PU Seminar: "International Linear Collider (ILC), Conventional Facilities Design"
- February 14, 2017Science and Life Sciences Joint Symposium 2017
- January 20, 2017GP-PU Seminar: "The proton radius puzzle "
- October 7, 2016KINKEN-KIST (Korea Institute of Science and Technology) joint seminar on 24-25 October
- June 21, 2016Earth and Planetary Dynamics
- May 26, 2016International Lecture of Spintronics by Professor Dr. Ricardo Ibarra
- May 26, 2016Special Seminar of Graduate Program in Spintronics by Prof. Peter A. Grünberg
- February 24, 2016Tohoku University Honors Queen of Carbon Mildred S. Dresselhaus
- February 12, 2016Academic Support @ Tohoku University
- February 2, 2016Symposium for Celebrating Honorary Degree of Tohoku University for Prof. Mildred S. Dresselhaus
- June 17, 2015Special Lecture by Professor Vaughan Jones
- June 9, 2015Invitation: Lunch Time Concert on June. 12.
- April 3, 2015Spring School on Particles, Strings and Quantum Information
- April 2, 2015OOPC-18 Eighteenth Session of the Ocean Observations panel for Physics and Climate on April 14 - 17.
- November 13, 2014Special Lecture by Prof. Tomasz Dietl: Graduate Program in Spintronics
- November 13, 2014Special Lecture by Prof. Dr. Grünberg Peter Andreas: Graduate Program in Spintronics
- October 23, 2014Special Lecture by Prof. Dr. Stefan Fölsch: Graduate Program in Spintronics
- May 23, 2014[SEMINAR]Prof. Albert J. LIBCHABER "How useful physics is for study of biology?"
- May 15, 2014Special Lecture by Dr. Donald SADWAY on May 27
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