School of Science will hold a FD (Faculty Development) Seminar, titled "Teaching in English --CHALLENGES & SECRETS of Classroom Management Techniques--".
In this seminar, educators and graduate students wanting to give lessons in English will surely learn methods to improve their English-medium lessons!
We hope many of you will attend this seminar!!
Date & Time: 15:30-17:00 Wednesday, February 21
Venue: Multi Purpose Room, 2F, Science Complex C (MAP H-04)
Lecturer: Todd ENSLEN (Institute for Excellence in Higher Education)
Aimed at: Educators who want to improve their English-medium classes &
Graduate Students who hope to teach in the future
(International students are also welcome!)
*Free Admission/No Registration Required
*The seminar is conducted in English
Contact: ・DiRECT office: KOHAMA or KIKUCHI, Director: Prof. Nobuo TSUZUKI
TEL: 795-5829 / E-mail: direct*
・Global Learning Center: Prof. Yumiko WATANABE
E-mail: yumiko.watanabe.a5*
(Replace * with @)