Date & Time: Wednesday, July 4, 2018, 16:00-17:00
Place: Aoba-Science Hall in Science Complex C(MAP H-04)
For students, researchers, faculty members (No registration required)
Date & Time: Wednesday, July 4, 2018, 16:00-17:00
Lecturer: Assoc. Prof. Brian Breedlove (Department of Chemistry, Tohoku University)
Language: English
Title: Methods to refine your scientific paper from an editor's point of view
Abstract: In order to write a good scientific paper, you need more than just good data and proper analyses with the proper theories, etc., you need to know how to express your work clearly in English. Due to several years experience editing in Japan, I have thought quite often about expressing ideas, common grammar problems, and self-editing. During my seminar, I will provide you with some of my ideas on writing a clear sentence with examples of what I consider good sentences. Moreover, I will discuss things to avoid, like negative statements, and problems that I often encounter while editing. Although no one method is the best, general knowledge about writing will help you refine your scientific writing skills.
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Contact: Ryo Takahashi
E-mail: r.takahashi * (Replace * with @)
tel: 022-795-5572