We strongly recommend you to attend the seminars over "Zoom", a video conference tool. To join the meetings, please go to the URLs below.
Title: "Elementary Introduction to Cosmology and Hubble constant Problem"
by Toshifumi Futamase (Kyoto Sangyo University)
Venue: Room N204, Science Complex C (MAP H-04)
Part 1. Observations of Hubble parameter
10:00-12:00, Mon March 30th 2020
* Zoom meeting: https://zoom.us/j/814109182 (opens at 9:30)
Part 2. Cosmological parameters in homogenous isotropic cosmology
14:00 -16:00, Mon March 30th 2020
* Zoom meeting: https://zoom.us/j/814109182 (opens at 9:30)
Part 3. Inhomogeneous Cosmology as a possible solution of the Hubble constant problem
14:00 -16:00, Tue March 31st 2020
* Zoom meeting: https://zoom.us/j/372863992 (opens at 13:30)
Contact: Yusuke Tanimura (Physics, GP-PU),
E-mail: tanimura * nucl.phys.tohoku.ac.jp (Replace * with @)