We would like to inform you of Tohoku University Student Peer Support System.
Peer Support System was launched last year for new students who just started their new school life in this difficult time, with the aim of relieving their anxiety by peer supporters' help and support.
The peer support system lasts for 2 months approximately from May to June as peer supporters assist and advice on matters regarding student life.
With this support system, you will be assigned with a supporter student.
For the first step, you will get contacted by your peer supporter (or Senpai student) via your Tohoku University DC mail account later.
If you have any concerns about it, please email Student Support Section
(sci-sien * grp.tohoku.ac.jp (Replace * with @)) by Wednesday, April 14.
This year, in addition to new students, the support system is expanded its scope of target students to 2nd year students.
If you would like to get support from a peer supporter, please apply for it by sending an email to us with your information including:
-Student ID number
-Department (Math, physics, astronomy, chemistry, etc.)
Apply to: Student Support Section, School of Science
Email: sci-sien * grp.tohoku.ac.jp (Replace * with @)
Subject line for responding: "Applying for the peer support system"
Application deadline: Thursday, April 8, 2021
Please note that you will get contacted by your peer supporter via Tohoku University DC mail account later.