Keynote speakers
Sep. 26th) Christoph Wiesinger, Shinya Wanajo
Sep. 27th) Gordon Baym, Randolf Pohl
Sep. 28th) Atsuko Ichikawa, Fuminobu Takahashi
Sep. 29th) Benjamin Doenigus
GPPU school 2023
September 26th - 29th, 2023
(hybrid) Room 201, Science Complex A (H-02) for Sep. 26th, 27th, and 29th
(hybrid) Lecture hall 3, Mechanical Engineering (A-02) for Sep. 28th
Zoom registration
Graduate Program on Physics for the Universe (GPPU) at Tohoku University is an educational program for graduate students who will lead international projects and play an active part in their global employability. As a part of the educational program, we are organizing a school, "GPPU school". The school covers topics including elementary particle, astro, and nuclear physics. The school consists of plenary and student sessions. Time is reserved for discussions.
For either credit or GPPU points, please contact Toru Kojo.
Toru Kojo (Physics, GP-PU),
E-mail: toru.kojo.b1 * (Replace * with @)