This school is held as a part of the educational program of GP-PU (Graduate Program on Physics for the Universe). The lectures deal with selected topics in particle physics and astrophysics. They contain an introduction to the field and an outlook on the recent developments of each subject.
This year the topics are string theory, cosmology, nuclear astrophysics, and quantum information. See below for more information on the lectures and the time table.
GPPU履修生以外の物理学専攻・天文学専攻の学生の方へ: GPPU以外の学生の方の参加も大歓迎です。
このスクールは物理学専攻博士課程後期の科目「素粒子物理学特殊講義IV」(1単位) として開講されるものでもありますので、ぜひご参加ください。
■Dates: 12th-15th June 2018
■Venue: Room N204, Science Complex C, Faculty of Science, Tohoku University (MAP H-04)
♢S. Ando (University of Amsterdam)
"Large and small scale structure of dark matter and prospects for revealing its particle nature"
♢P. Bouwknegt (Australian National University)
"Introduction to string theory"
♢T. Kajino (National Astronomical Observatory of Japan and Beihang University)
"Big-Bang cosmology and primordial nucleosynthesis"
"Impact of neutron star mergers and supernovae on nuclear physics and neutrino physics"
♢E. Martin-Martinez (University of Waterloo)
"Measuring quantum fields: a relativistic quantum information perspective?"
♢C. de Rham (Imperial College London)
"Gravity as an Effective Field Theory"
お問合せ:物理学専攻(GP-PU) 谷村 雄介
E-mail: tanimura[at]