7月4日(水)に、青葉サイエンスホールにて「2018年度 研究推進セミナー ~英語での科学論文執筆のポイント~」を開催致します。申し込みは必要ありませんので、直接会場までお越し下さい。
□ 日 時:2018年7月4日(水)16:00~17:00
□ 会 場:理学研究科合同C棟2階青葉サイエンスホール(*地図上、H-04の建物です。)
□ 対 象:学部学生、大学院生、研究員、教員
□ 申 込:不要
□ 講 師:Breedlove Brian准教授(東北大学化学専攻)
□ セミナーの言語:英語
□ Title:Methods to refine your scientific paper from an editor's point of view
□ Abstract:In order to write a good scientific paper, you need
more than just good data and proper analyses with the proper
theories, etc., you need to know how to express your work clearly
in English. Due to several years experience editing in Japan, I have thought quite often about expressing ideas, common grammar problems, and self-editing. During my seminar, I will provide you with some of my ideas on writing a clear sentence with examples of what I consider good sentences. Moreover, I will discuss things to avoid, like negative statements, and problems that I often encounter while editing. Although no one method is the best, general knowledge about writing will help you refine your scientific writing skills.
理学研究科評価分析・研究戦略室 高橋
email: r.takahashi[at]m.tohoku.ac.jp
tel: 022-795-5572