東北大学 大学院理学研究科・理学部

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地物専攻の中川広務助教らが、The Optical Societyが発行する科学ジャーナルApplied Opticsに発表した論文がハイライト論文に選ばれました。

東北大学、JAXA、東大、帝京大学の研究者からなる研究チームは、全く新しい高コントラスト光学系の開発に挑み、この度、その成果をThe Optical Societyが発行する科学ジャーナルApplied Opticsに発表しました。本論文の研究成果は高く評価され、ハイライト論文に選ばれました。




Nakagawa, H., A. Yamazaki, K. Enya, N. Fujishiro, N. Terada, and K. Seki, New design for stray-light reduction to a Martian ionospheric imager, Applied Optics Vol. 59, Issue 32, pp. 9937-9943 (2020), doi:10.1364/AO.401523(*Open Access)

20201110_002.jpg fig1. Expanded view of the manufactured baffle as observed from a scanning electron microscope. The upper panels represent the convex part of the Gaussian-shaped pattern. The lower panels represent the concave part. The right panels correspond the images of the magnification of ten.

20201110_007.jpg fig2. Relative intensity of light passing through the vanes at the detector, as a function of angular deviation along a horizontal line in the diffracted light map. Measurements are normalized on this figure with theta = 0 placed at approximately the intensity of the direct laser beam, correct with (and without) the microscopic Gaussian-shaped structure. Relatively intensity is measured by combination of the use of four neutral-density filters (four colored solid lines). Predicted intensity by numerical simulation is also shown for comparison (dashed line).

K. Enya, K. Haze, T. Kotani, L. Abe, "Comparative study of manufacturing techniques for coronagraphic binary pupil masks: masks on substrates and free-standing masks", PASJ. 54, 123 (2012).


