11月24日(木)、大阪大学の池田陽一氏による宇宙創成物理学国際共同大学院(GP-PU)セミナー「Hadron interactions with strange quarks from lattice QCD」を開催いたします。
■日 時
"Hadron interactions with strange quarks from lattice QCD"
by Yoichi Ikeda (CiDER, Osaka University)
[対面会場] 理学研究科物理系研究棟225号室 (キャンパスマップ「H-26」の建物です。)
The hadronic interactions play an important role to reveal the emergence of hadron resonances and to bridge nuclear physics and astrophysics from the underlying theory of the strong interaction, quantum chromodynamics(QCD).
In this seminar, starting with simple quantum scattering problems, I will present how we can derive the hadronic interactions from the lattice QCD, which is the first-principles calculation of QCD, and show the applications of the interactions to high-energy collision experiments at LHC Alice. If time permits, I will also present our on-going study using deep neural networks for the classification problem of quantum states from experimental data, which makes the lattice QCD calculation more efficient in near future.
物理学専攻(GP-PU) 谷村 雄介
E-mail: tanimura[at]nucl.phys.tohoku.ac.jp