3月14日(火)、Jan C. Bernauer氏 (Stony Brook University)による宇宙創成物理学国際共同大学院(GP-PU)セミナー「The shape of the proton -- a story full with puzzles」を開催いたします。
■日 時
"The shape of the proton -- a story full with puzzles"
by Jan C. Bernauer (Stony Brook University)
[対面会場] 理学研究科合同B棟745号室 (キャンパスマップ「H-03」の建物です。)
In the lecture, I will give an intro into the physics of electron scattering and will discuss the so called proton radius puzzle, the difference between proton charge radii extracted from spectroscopy and scattering. This puzzle was established about a decade ago, and is still not resolved. After a short overview over the existing measurements, I will discuss the pitfalls and problems in extracting the radius
from scattering data. I will finish with an outlook over future experiments.
物理学専攻(GP-PU) 谷村 雄介
E-mail: tanimura[at]nucl.phys.tohoku.ac.jp