■受賞者 | 関根大輝 (物理学専攻 特別研究員[量子光学研究室 光スピントロニクスグループ]) |
■賞名 | Best Poster Award The 8th Symposium for the Core Research Clusters for Materials Science and Spintronics and the 7th Symposium on International Joint Graduate Programs in Materials Science and Spintronics (CRCGP-MSSP2024) |
■受賞日 | 2024年11月20日 |
■発表題目 | Optical second harmonic imaging of multipolar domains in a ferroaxial antiferromagnet MnTiO3 |
■授与機関 |
Core Research Cluster for Materials Science (CRC-MS) Center for Science and Innovation in Spintronics (CSIS) International Joint Graduate Program in Materials Science (GP-MS) Graduate Program in Spintronics (GP-Spin) |
■リンク | CRCGP-MSSP2024 Best Poster Award |