12月18日(水)、Shigeo Kimura氏 (Tohoku University) による宇宙創成物理学国際共同大学院(GP-PU)セミナー「Pursuing Origins of Cosmic High-energy Neutrinos」を開催いたします。
■日 時
"Pursuing Origins of Cosmic High-energy Neutrinos"
by Shigeo Kimura (Tohoku University)
[対面会場] 理学研究科合同B棟541号室 (キャンパスマップ「H-03」の建物です。)
■概 要
Cosmic high-energy neutrinos are expected to be a smoking-gun signature to identify origins of high-energy cosmic rays. IceCube experiment reported detection of cosmic high-energy neutrinos in 2013, the origin of which became a new mystery in astrophysics. In order to identify the cosmic neutrino sources, multi-messenger observational and analysis technics are now rapidly developing. In this talk, I will review the progress of high-energy neutrino astrophysics, discuss high-energy neutrino emission from the vicinity of supermassive black holes, and introduce our effort to identify neutrino sources using optical observational data.
GSP = 1
物理学専攻(GP-PU) 渡邉 和宏
E-mail: kazuhiro.watanabe.b8[at]tohoku.ac.jp