5月17日(金)、Masaomi Tanaka氏(Tohoku University)による宇宙創成物理学国際共同大学院(GP-PU)セミナー「Probing the origin of heavy elements in the Universe: physics and astrophysics of kilonova」を開催いたします。
■日 時
"Probing the origin of heavy elements in the Universe: physics and astrophysics of kilonova"
by Masaomi Tanaka (Tohoku University)
[対面会場] 理学研究科合同A-B棟721号室 (キャンパスマップ「H-03」の建物です。)
■概 要
The origin of heavy elements in the Universe is a long-lasting problem in astrophysics. Merger of neutron stars is one of the most promising sites for heavy element nucleosynthesis. By synthesizing heavy elements, neutron star mergers can emit electromagnetic wave signals, so called kilonova, which enables us to probe nucleosynthesis by astronomical observations. In fact, a kilonova was observed in 2017 following the detection of a gravitational wave event, which confirms heavy element nucleosynthesis in the neutron star merger. In this seminar, I will introduce various physics involved in neutron star mergers and kilonovae, as well as recent progress in understanding the nucleosynthesis in neutron star mergers.
物理学専攻(GP-PU) 古城 徹
E-mail: toru.kojo.b1[at]tohoku.ac.jp